Website Design Tool

Monday, October 21, 2024
WorldLightASP began as a dream of helping people

My name is Raja Afrika. I am the dreamer, coder, designer, architecht and cheif bottle polisher here at WorldLight Company in Portland, OR (this picture is me in the Canary Islands).

I live and love and laugh here in Portland, OR and I am orginally from Boston, MA. I thought people were pulling my leg when I first learned that Portland was almost named Boston.


I have been a computer programmer for 16 years. When I created WorldLightASP it was because I knew so many good people, therapists, massage therapist, natural pathic physicians, reiki practitioners, yoga instructors, martial arts teachers, bands, who needed a good way to advertise themselves cheap and effectvely online. 

Recently I was awarded a Microsoft BizSpark partnership with access to many of the incredible resources at Microsoft; so I am really excited because WorldLightASP is preparing to take a quantim leap forward. Thanks!

Feel free to hit me up anytime with questions by phone (503) 928 - 7711 or email

Namaste! and thanks for checking out my website

Raja Afrika
WorldLight Company